Canada possesses 45% of the global inventoried P1-factor Resource Base
We are a great country, with massive resources a b c d geological - and, a hospitable, forgiving attitude.
Our patriarch, Ernest Russell Goodwin, began developing technologies and practises in this field of the P1-Factor in 1952; and, he incorporated this data catalogue into the copyrighted template Integrated Resource Management of Biomass [IRMB]; which we implemented in all of our Trigeneration SVS-IHHI Mwe Projects. CH4 became our primary energy asset for securing financing in the 1990s. H2O & cellulose - as well as carbon capture credits - became our secondary economic resource bases.
In completing the EIA [Environmental Impact Assessments for each of our power projects] we identified the market value of a unit of CH4 in equivalents of fossil fuels BTU : 1 cm P1-Factor @ 60% M.C. = 1 bbl Oil = 6 million BTU [1 cm P1-Factor @ 30% M.C. - 12 million BTU ]. Each cm of P1-factor was 90% H20; and, 50% cellulose.
The carbon capture credit value of CH4 is 20 x CO2.
Each $150M P1-Factor SVS-IHHI 30 Mwe project incorporated a minimum energy resource base with a fair market value of $2B [as based upon a comparative value of natural gas @ $4.90/ 1000 cf].
The P1-factor valuation was secured via a minimum AA-rated buyer of the generated electric power.
In 1990 we completed a Canada nationwide P1-Factor inventory survey [see, also, Royal Geological Society of Canada reports]; and, determined that 25% of Canada's landmass below the Precambrian shield was a P1-factor resource; with a 600-year sustainable energy capability; valued at >$6T. Third party international consulting firms hired as vetting agents by Ontario Hydro verified the economic and technical viability of our SVS-IHHI projects [producing mwe @ <1/2 cost of natural gas projects] ... Our 20 closed-loop Bio-Cell greenhouses would each produce 8 million tree seedlings / annum as the carbon capture factor [at that time Czechoslovakia was producing 600M/annum].
Cost of securing a SVS-IHHI 30-Mwe P1-factor resource : $5K/annum; plus, $0.25/cm P1-factor extracted [Total/yr =<$45K]. P1-factor resources in situ @ First Nations reserves are excluded from provincial jurisdiction; and, the circa $45K would be paid to the FN reserve as part of a federal lease agreement. All P1-factor extractions below 1m are federal mining jurisdictions.
Today, I possess one of the 7 remaining copies of Canada's 1923 300-page publication on the economic potential of P1-factor resources.
The HRM SVS-IHHI Mission is to produce 100K Mwe [10%] into the North American grid - or, into the planned 600 SVS-IHHI private cities to be sited north of the 49th parallel. The current total electric power generation in Canada is 100K Mwe.
Obviously, these SVS-IHHI projects are viable - Ontario Hydro & Saskpower would not have signed 25-year PPA otherwise. In fact, the RRO was 35% - which exceeded the permitted range of 12-18%; so we were required to sectionalize the operations in order to qualify.
Please, keep in mind that we have not included either the H2O or the cellulose as income sources.
Debt financing of these projects required assignment of the PPA and $300M value of P1-factor resources for the 10-year payout term. Which left us with circa >$1.3B of accredited P1-factor resources that could be assigned as collateral for other tertiary projects.
In 1990, the securing of the P1-Factor energy resource per 30-Mwe SVS-IHHI project required working capital of $500K; which would result in a project generating >$13M Gross Revenue [netting $3M] @ the Mwe division; with >$20M at the Bio-Cell Greenhouses; and, >$15M at the R&D Science Centre; plus, the carbon capture credit values.
Thus, In 2015 - 2030 We Have
HRM Hwuneem Kwa'mutsun Nation State
Obviously, these SVS-IHHI projects are viable - Ontario Hydro & Saskpower would not have signed 25-year PPA otherwise. In fact, the RRO was 35% - which exceeded the permitted range of 12-18%; so we were required to sectionalize the operations in order to qualify.
Please, keep in mind that we have not included either the H2O or the cellulose as income sources.
Debt financing of these projects required assignment of the PPA and $300M value of P1-factor resources for the 10-year payout term. Which left us with circa >$1.3B of accredited P1-factor resources that could be assigned as collateral for other tertiary projects.
In 1990, the securing of the P1-Factor energy resource per 30-Mwe SVS-IHHI project required working capital of $500K; which would result in a project generating >$13M Gross Revenue [netting $3M] @ the Mwe division; with >$20M at the Bio-Cell Greenhouses; and, >$15M at the R&D Science Centre; plus, the carbon capture credit values.
HRM Hwuneem Kwa'mutsun Nation State
HRM HKNS prevails as the leading party into all 1100 first settler nation states in North America / Turtle Island North; and, her diplomatic ties extend into South Turtle Island; and, internationally, to other nations such as Japan and New Zealand.
In North America / Turtle Island North the HRM HKNS Mission is to secure Mwe power generation, in conjunction with producing nutrition and health care products [herbs].
Globally, the Mission is to form an energy transitional syndicate with Russia and Brazil [therein, representing >70% of all inventoried P1-factor resources]. Note, cows produce 5% of global CH4 emissions.
Critical : The Tipping Point is upon us. The perma-frost CH4 emissions are just now becoming a significant factor in global warming. Fresh water resources [@ P1-factor fields] is of greater value than fossil fuels. In Canada, the P1-Factor fields occupy 25% of the landmass; with fresh water being 90% of the average 3m depth; and, cellulose being 50% of the P1-Factor fabric.
HRM HKNS is capable of securing these resources within <30 days @ <$1M total.